So - here is the best of irony in action. Today, I saw this woman heading back up to the office, shopping bags in hand, and as always, I am nosey wanting to see where she shopped. Now she was in no way, shape, or form and attractive individual. Why was the big bag that she had from MAC? I sure hope that they started selling miracle products there.
Now that I am thinking about this, I sound mean and shallow. So to make myself feel better about it, I have made up the following scenario about this random stranger. She was trying to go for the grunge look today to be incognito so that her deranged stalker would not follow her today. Then her daughter, who is a stripper at the Crazy Horse, called and asked her to pick up her weekly order at MAC so that she can put on her "good" performance tonight. See, she has to make the good tip money tonight because she wants to take her 2 year old child to Chuck - E - Cheese tomorrow to spend some quality time because she has been
spending more of her time trying to become a country singer rather than with her child.
OK - now I just think that I am on crack. Please excuse me.