Monday, December 29, 2008

New Years!

So how excited am I for Martis' New Years party! It is going to be great. I got the light up hats, the cool glow in the dark bracelets for the dance party, and I am getting my pajamas ready because Martis said no one was allowed in if they did not have pj's on. The best part about it all is that we get to go to Martis' house. I love that place. There is always fun stuff to play with. This years toy of the evening I am sure, will be the Wii. This is especially true because she now has Wii Fit and I want to know what it says about me.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

tax the sugar - that will get 'em!

I think that it is absolutely crazy that there are people in NY that want to tax sugared drinks to cut the obesity rates. Have they ever thought of taking some of the tax dollars that they make on the crazy high tax rate they have to offer nutritional assistance or exercise programs to people? Call me crazy, but I am pretty sure that adding a bit of tax may not so much make fat people want to buy a diet soda instead.
Click Here

Really? A shoe?

Who throws a shoe at a US President? Idiots. In my opinion, if you are going to throw something at someone, at least pick an object that will make a mess such as a pie or dog poo!

Play the game

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My very own Shaggin' Wagon!

So while I was stuck at the same light through 3 cycles, I was looking around for something to amuse me. I found it. Look at this beauty! I think that I should trade in the Honda on this one. That way I could pack all my friends, and the dogs and go on a big road trip somehwhere warm!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I want it!

Ironically, I was just talking about working out again because I am not so happy with my body appearance as of late. It’s called Core Precision, and it makes you look like you have a six-pack. Slight problem may be if I actually get naked and then the truth comes out - no washboard abs.